Friday, March 29, 2013
[Sepeda Motor] All New Sorento Dibanderol Sekitar Rp 375 Juta - Rp 380 Juta
Juta - Rp 380 Juta'
Meskipun belum ada harga resmi untuk mobil All New Sorento, namun sumber dari
KIA Mobil Indonesia (KMI) mengungkapkan bahwa SUV tersebut akan dibanderol pada
kisaran harga Rp 375 juta hingga Rp 380 juta. Menurut rencana, KMI akan
meluncurkan mobil SUV All New Sorento di Indonesia pada 9 April 2013 mendatang.
All New Sorento. Majalah Otomotif Online | All New Sorento Dibanderol Sekitar Rp
375 Juta - Rp 380 Juta.
KMI Lepas All New Sorento Rp375 Juta
KIA Mobil Indonesia (KMI) sudah pasti akan meluncurkan varian terbaru di segmen
Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) premiun, All New Sorento, pada 9 April 2013
mendatang. Konsep All New Sorento dirancang untuk menyasar pada SUV family yang
mampu menampung kapasitas tujuh orang penumpang. Sorento nantinya akan
berhadapan langsung dengan Toyota Fortuner, Chevrolet Captiva, dan Mitsubishi
All New Sorento melengkapi deretan varian SUV KIA Mobil Indonesia. Sebelumnya,
KMI sudah memiliki Sportage LX, Sportage EX, dan Sportage Platinum. Kini Sorento
akan berada satu level di atas Sportage. KMI sendiri belum memberikan harga
pasti untuk All New Sorento ini. Tapi prediksinya Sorento akan dilepas dengan
banderol Rp375 jutaan. Harga tersebut memang kompetitif bila dibandingkan dengan
jajaran pesaingnya tadi. "Nanti harga fix akan kita putuskan nanti saat
peluncuran resminya, tapi saya bisa katakan Sorento dibanderol sekitar Rp375-380
jutaan," terang Ridjal Mulyadi, Marketing Communication Manager KMI saat Media
Test Drive All New Sorento, di Bandung.
Sorento sudah disematkan beragam fitur-fitur seperti panoramic sunroof,
pengaturan suhu AC dual zone, keyless entry dengan alarm & immobilizer, escort &
welcome lamp, auto cruise control, foot parking brake, buka tutup bensin
menggunakan tombol. Serta berbagai macam kelebihan lainnya bila dibandingkan
dengan kompetitor, menjadikan Sorento sudah layak dikatakan SUV kelas premium..
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Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
[Sepeda Motor] Gambar Menarik Bulan Maret 5
Sustanable Manufacturing nihLife cycle banget nihIkut senyum ahPilih yang mana
?Cuma bisa geleng kepala, pengennnnnnnnnnCara berfikir orang
enggineringIndonesia bisa bikin ?Konsep yang menarikMulti fungsiPresisiKerjaan
orang enginer nihreff :FbWo...
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Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
Monday, March 25, 2013
Lampu blitz Stick untuk variasi motor
Lampu blitz variasi model stik, cocok untuk anda yang ingin mencari variasi bagi
tunggangannya. Cahaya yang dihasilkan seperti lampu blitz pada camera digital.
Silahkan di cek penampakan barangnya gan.
Cek Vide...
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Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
Sunday, March 24, 2013
[Kaskus Lounge] Inilah Iklan yang Obral TKI di Malaysia
Martabat bangsa Indonesia kembali dilecehkan dengan munculnya iklan tenaga kerja
Indonesia yang didiskon di Malaysia. Iklan seperti ini muncul karena pemerintah
Indonesia tak pernah sungguh-sungguh melindungi TKI.Direktur Eksekutif Migrant
Care Anis...
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Best regards,
Kaskus Lounge
Saturday, March 23, 2013
[Sepeda Motor] Gambar Menarik Bulan Maret 2
apa bener seperti ini?Apa pun kondisinya, klo ditangan yang bener. Tetap aja
bisa....Berani kotor itu baikTak ada rotan akar pun jadiYang suka
berimajinasikreatif jgSeger............hemmmmmPortabelreff
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Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
Friday, March 22, 2013
[Sepeda Motor] Gambar Menarik Bulan Maret
Wow.....Bakalan berlama lamaan berada didalamnyaCape turun dari tangga, langsung
aja .....kerennnnJempol tenannnnmau yang mana ?Bisa di tiru nihreff
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Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
Thursday, March 21, 2013
[Jual Beli Online -] DI JUAL KOMPUTER (EKS) WARNET ( 11 unit )
Intel Pentium 4 ( 36hz ) dan AMD
- HDD 80 GB
- VGA 512 MB
- Layar LCD 16"(inci)
- HAP 16 Channel
- KABEL INSTALASI ( kabel UTP + kabel listrik )
Harga Rp. 25.000.000 ( bisa nego )
HUB : 089628935612
Nb : Bonus kulkas pendingin minuman
Barang Ready Used
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Jual Beli Online
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
[Sepeda Motor] Ciri-Ciri Kompresor AC Mobil Bermasalah
Jika Anda merasa ada yang tidak biasa pada kinerja AC mobil, kecurigaan pertama
patut ditujukan kepada kompresor AC. Gejala-gejala ringan seperti bunyi tak
wajar, hembusan udara panas di rpm rendah, bisa jadi indikasi awal rusaknya
kompresor.KompasOtomotif menerima rangkuman ciri-ciri kompresor AC mobil mulai
bermasalah dari milis (mailing list) Toyota Soluna Vios Club (TSVC). Informasi
ini diringkas dari pengalaman anggota dan bengkel AC langganan komunitas.Dari
informasi itu, ternyata tak cuma suara yang menjadi gejala, ada beberapa ciri
yang membuat Anda harus waspada dan segera mengecek kompresor AC. Yuk, kenali
ciri-ciri kompresor AC yang bermasalah!1. Bunyi Ciri-cirinya: Pada saat tombol
AC diubah ke posisi "1-2-3" (tanda AC mulai bekerja), terdengar suara agak
kasar, atau bisa diartikan sebagai suara ngorok mirip gesekan. Begitu tombol
digeser lagi ke posisi "OFF", suara di balik kap kembali normal. Penyebab suara
kasar/ ngorok bisa karena oli kompresor kurang/ habis, piston aus, trush bearing
longgar, hingga AS kurang presisi.2. Kompresi berkurang Ciri-cirinya: Untuk
tahap awal hembusan udara AC terasa kurang dingin apabila mesin berada di rpm
rendah. Ketika digas atau mobil mulai jalan di kecepatan tertentu, hembusan
berubah dan mulai lebih dingin.3. BocorCiri-cirinya : Hembusan udara AC tidak
dingin secara bertahap, tergantung seberapa besar kebocoran itu. Semakin besar
kebocorannya, semakin cepat habis freonnya dan semakin cepat terasa tidak
dinginnya udara dalam kabin. Tapi rata-rata kebocoran pada kompresor biasanya
memerlukan waktu satu hingga enam minggu, sampai freon habis total.4. Magnetic
clutchCiri-cirinya: Kebanyakan kasus ini terjadi apabila mobil sedang kena macet
atau jalan merayap. Udara kabin yang tadinya dingin, tiba-tiba tidak sama
sekali. Setelah dimatikan tombolnya beberapa saat, lalu dihidupkan lagi, kinerja
AC kembali normal, dan biasanya diiringi RPM mesin tinggi, di atas angka 1
(1.000 rpm).Nah, ketika ditemui ciri-ciri seperti ini, sebaiknya segera cek ke
bengkel AC mobil. Jika diabaikan, kerusakan yang mungkin disebabkan salah satu
penyebab tadi bisa merembet ke komponen lain yang membuat kompresor jebol.
Siapkan dana antara Rp 2-3 juta untuk memperbaiki kompresor. Ongkos bisa lebih
dari Rp 5 juta jika ganti.
reff: (130313)
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Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
[Sepeda Motor] Yamaha YZF1000 R1 2013
Berita terbaru dalam dunia balap MotoGP untuk musim 2013 adalah Monster Energy
juga menjadi sponsor motor Yamaha. Dan karena berhasil meraih kemenangan pada
musim balap 2012, Yamaha membuat iklan terbaru untuk varian Yamaha YZF1000 R1
2013.Varian terba...
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Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
Monday, March 18, 2013
[Sepeda Motor] Honda Vario CW Tampil Baru
Jakarta - PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) menyegarkan tampilan Honda Vario varian
Casting Wheel (CW) dengan kombinasi warna stripe baru yang membuatnya terlihat
lebih modern dengan mempertahankan konsep trendi, stylish dan unisex yang telah
diapresiasi konsumen.Sisi striping model ini dibekali dengan garis-garis dinamis
yang elegan untuk memberikan pilihan yang luas kepada konsumen. Konsep garis
stripe mencerminkan karakter unisex.
Honda Vario CW dikenal masyarakat sebagai pioneer skutik fashionable dengan
fitur hi-tech di Indonesia. Konsep desain yang simple sangat diminati konsumen
yang menginginkan pilihan motor kelas atas. Model ini dibekali mesin
berkapasitas 110 cc berpendingin cairan yang menghasilkan performa optimal
dengan konsumsi bahan bakar yang irit. Selain itu, Honda Vario CW dilengkapi
lampu dual keen eyes yang memberikan kesan mewah karena terinspirasi dari motor
besar kelas dunia. Kapasitas bagasi pada model ini sebesar 6 liter mampu memberi
kenyamanan dan kepraktisan bagi pengendara.AHM juga mempertahankan fitur
keamanan terbaik yang menjadi trendsetter di segmen skutik, seperti standar
samping otomatis (side stand switch) di mana mesin tidak dapat dinyalakan
apabila dalam posisi turun dan brake Lock yang berfungsi untuk mencegah motor
loncat saat dinyalakan, dan juga kunci berpengaman magnetic (magnetic secure key
shutter) .Kami yakin kombinasi warna baru pada stripe Honda Vario CW ini akan
menjadi pilihan menarik bagi konsumen dalam cakupan yang lebih luas, melengkapi
keunggulan fitur-fitur pada model ini yang terbukti telah diterima dengan baik
selama ini, ujar Direktur Pemasaran AHM Margono Tanuwijaya.Sejak pertama Honda
Vario dipasarkan pada tahun 2006, model ini telah terjual sebanyak 1.977.957
unit. Varian Honda Vario CW merupakan bagian dari Honda Vario Series yang
merupakan salah satu penyumbang terbesar penjualan AT Honda. Pada tahun lalu
penjualan Honda Vario Series terjual sebanyak 1.079.943 unit atau menyumbangkan
38% terhadap total penjualan skutik Honda.Secara keseluruhan, penjualan skutik
Honda tahun lalu tercatat 2.859.989 unit. Pencapaian ini mengantarkan Honda
mampu menguasai pangsa pasar 68% di segmen skutik nasional yang jumlahnya tahun
lalu tercatat 4.208.219 unit.Kehadiran Honda Vario tidak hanya mendapat sambutan
baik dari konsumen. Puluhan penghargaan diberikan pada motor skutik pertama
Honda di Indonesia ini, baik untuk desain maupun performanya Di tahun pertama
kehadirannya, model ini langsung menyabet beragam penghargaan sebagai Rookie of
The Year 2006 dan Teknologi Terbaik Skubek 110cc - 125cc dari Tabloid
MotorPlus.Sementara Forum Wartawan Otomotif Indonesia memberi apresiasi dengan
memberikan penghargaan The Best Indonesian Motorcycle 2006. Secara keseluruhan,
Honda Vario bermesin 110cc mendapat 28 penghargaan dalam berbagai kategori dari
berbagai pihak.AHM tahun ini optimistis Honda Vario CW akan memperkuat
penetrasinya di segmen skutik. Honda Vario CW kali ini memiliki empat warna
stripe baru yaitu Posh White, Shimmer Blue White, Glam Red, dan Estilo Black.
Model ini dipasarkan dengan harga Rp 14.450.000,- (on the road Jakarta) dengan
target penjualan sebanyak 25.000 unit perbulan.
Release Date : 25 Februari 2013
Media Sumber : Astra Honda Motor
AHM Team
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Best regards,
Sepeda Motor
Saturday, March 16, 2013
[Kaskus.ES] Baterai Lithium-ion yang bisa dibuat melar, dilipat dan dipuntir
dilipat dan dipuntir'
Coba lihat gambar diatas, apakah ini sebuah baterai Lithium masa depan?
Northwestern University saat ini sedang mengembangkan sebuah baterai Lithium-ion
yang tidak hanya tipis tapi juga bisa ditarik layaknya sebuah karet
(stretchable). ...
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Best regards,
[Kaskus Lounge] Jantung Raja Richard Diawetkan Inspirasi Injil
Jantung Raja Richard Berhati Singa diawetkan dengan merkuri, mint, dan kemenyan
serta tumbuhan berbau wangi lain. Komposisi bahan kimia berbagai substansi yang
dipakai untuk mengawetkan jantung penguasa Inggris itu terungkap dalam sebuah
penelitian yang dilakukan oleh ilmuwan Prancis.
Studi tersebut merupakan penelitian biokimia pertama terhadap jantung Richard I,
yang meninggal pada 1199. Ketika wafat, sebagai sebuah praktek yang umum
dilakukan pada masa itu, jantungnya dikeluarkan dan dimumifikasi secara terpisah
dari tubuhnya. Jantung itu pun disimpan di tempat berbeda, yaitu di Notre Dame
di Rouen selama berabad-abad sampai ditemukan kembali pada 1838.
"Bahan yang digunakan terinspirasi langsung dari naskah Injil," kata Philippe
Charlier, peneliti dari University Hospital R. Poincar di Prancis. "Tujuannya
untuk mendekati bau kesucian."
Raja Richard I mulai memerintah pada 1189, dan sempat diculik serta ditahan di
Eropa selama dua tahun. Pada 25 Maret 1199, Richard terkena panah di Chalus,
Prancis, dan meninggal 12 hari kemudian karena terkena gangrene.
Isi perutnya diangkat dan disimpan di Chalus, sedangkan tubuhnya dimakamkan di
Fontevraud Abbey di Prancis. Jantungnya diawetkan dan ditaruh dalam peti
tersendiri, lalu dibawa ke Notre Dame di Rouen.
Pembagian dan penyebaran jenazah tersebut dilakukan untuk menyimbolkan dan
menandai daerah kekuasaan Richard I, kata Charlier. Namun tak ada naskah kuno
yang mencatat bagaimana proses pengawetan dilakukan.
Jantung Richard I tetap berada di Rouen hingga Juli 1838, ketika sejarawan
setempat menemukan sebuah kotak timah bertulisan, Inilah jantung Richard, Raja
Inggris. Jantung tersebut kini telah menjadi debu, serbuk putih kecokelatan.
Dari serbuk tersebut, Charlier dan timnya menemukan beragam senyawa, termasuk
jejak protein otot jantung manusia. Mereka juga mengamati potongan kecil kain
linen yang menunjukkan jantung itu dibungkus dengan kain sebelum disimpan dalam
Senyawa logam, seperti timah, kemungkinan berasal dari kotak penyimpanan.
Senyawa lain kemungkinan digunakan dalam proses pengawetan, seperti unsur
merkuri yang biasa ditemukan dalam makam abad pertengahan.
Peneliti juga menemukan serbuk sari beraneka macam tumbuhan myrtle, daisy, mint,
pinus, ek, poplar, plantain, dan bellflower. Polen poplar dan bellflower, yang
mekar pada April bertepatan dengan wafatnya Richard, kemungkinan terbawa angin
ke dalam peti. Tanaman lain, seperti myrtle, daisy, dan mint kemungkinan sengaja
digunakan untuk mengawetkan. Kemenyan, yang berasal dari getah pohon, mungkin
berguna baik untuk mengawetkan maupun makna simbolis bahan tersebut.
Proses pengawetan jantung itu sangat penting karena perjalanan dari Chalus ke
Rouen mencapai 530 kilometer. Namun para pengikutnya mungkin juga melihat proses
itu sebagai salah satu transformasi teologis, kata Charlier.
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Best regards,
Kaskus Lounge
[Lowongan PNS -] Kuota CPNS 2013 : 60 ribu orang
Daftar Penerimaan CPNS 2013 Pengusulan pengajuan formasi penerimaan CPNS tahun
2013 untuk formasi umum baik untuk pemerintah pusat (kementrian/lembaga/badan)
dan pemerintah daerah (provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota) telah dibuka oleh Kemenpan RB.
Batas pengajuan formasi CPNS 2013 ini ditetapkan paling lambat diajukan pada
bulan Desember 2012.Jumlah Kuota CPNS tahun 2013 Jalur Umum yang diterima
sebanyak 60 Ribu Lowongan. Jumlah ini belum termasuk honorer kategori dua (K2)
yang akan diangkat sebagian pada 2013. Jadwal penerimaan CPNS tahun 2013 ini
diperkirakan akan dibuka mulai awal pertengahan tahun 2013.Berikut ini adalah
Daftar Penerimaan CPNS 2013 Instansi Pusat (Kementrian/Lembaga/Badan) dan Daerah
(Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota) Yang Sudah Mengusulkan Formasi Penerimaan CPNS tahun
2013 atau daerah yang memenuhi syarat-syarat penerimaan CPNS tahun 2013.
Silahkan klik pada nama instansi untuk informasi selengkapnya:Daftar Penerimaan
CPNS 2013 Instansi Pusat (Kementrian/Lembaga/ Badan)
Kementrian Hukum dan HAM (Kemenkumham)
Kementrian Luar Negeri (Kemenlu)
Kementrian Keuangan (Kemenkeu)
Daftar Penerimaan CPNS 2013 Instansi Daerah (Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota)
Kabupaten Sleman
Kabupaten Bandung Barat
Pemko Bekasi
Kabupaten Bekasi
Kabupaten Bayolali
Kabupaten Batang Hari
Provinsi Jambi
Provinsi Sumatera Utara (Sumut)
Pemko Sibolga Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Kabupaten Labuhan Batu Utara (Labura) Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Kabupaten Labuhan Batu Selatan (Labsel) Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Kabupaten Mamuju
Kabupaten Bungo
Pemprov DKI Jakarta
Kabupaten Pangkajene Kepulauan (Pangkep) Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
Provinsi Banten, Kabupaten Serang, Pemko Serang
Kabupaten Kota Baru Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan
Provinsi Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim)
Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara Provinsi Kaltim
Kabupaten Banyumas
Kota Balik Papan
Kabupaten Sarolangun
Kabupaten Bojonegoro
Provinsi DI Yogyakarta
Kabupaten Subang
Kabupaten Sukoharjo
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Lowongan PNS -
Thursday, March 14, 2013
[Toserba Online Shop -] Angry Bird Card Organizer
Dompet kartu motif angry bird. Max 16 kartu bisa tuk kartu kredit,atm,ktp,sim
ready warna
hitam, hijau, kuning, merah
Harga Rp 20.000,-
Grosir minimal 6pcs @Rp 15.000.-
Anda dapat melihat detail produk melalui link di bawah ini.
Hormat kami,
Toserba Online Shop -
[Toserba Online Shop -] Vapur Angry Bird - Botol Minum Lipat
Bird - Botol Minum Lipat'
Keuntungan menggunakan VAPUR :
Reusable: Dibuat dari Plastik yang kuat dan BPA-Free
Foldable: Dalam keadaan penuh air bisa didirikan, kalau kosong bisa dilipat
Washable: Bisa dicuci dan dimasukkan ke mesin pencuci piring
Identifiable: Tersedia tempat untuk menulis nama/identitas anda
Attachable: Ada pengait yang kuat untuk dikaitkan dimanapun anda mau seperti di
tas,di celana, maupun di stroller, asyik kan moms :)
Freezable: [...]
Anda dapat melihat detail produk melalui link di bawah ini.
Hormat kami,
Toserba Online Shop -
[Toserba Online Shop -] Baby Walker Moon Walker
Moon Walker'
Jual Baby Walker Moon Walker, Kini Bunda tidak perlu khawatir dan repot jika
ingin melatih buah hati berjalan. Tanpa harus repot membungkuk saat mentitah si
kecil. sekarang sudah hadir Moon Walk yang aman.
Cara Penggunaan Moon Walk :
1. Moonwalk membantu anak untuk berjalan di jalan yang aman dengan bantuan orang
2. Moonwalk membantu anak untuk berjalan [...]
Anda dapat melihat detail produk melalui link di bawah ini.
Hormat kami,
Toserba Online Shop -
Sunday, March 10, 2013
How To Get Rid of Yeast Infections Effectively
How To Get Rid of Yeast Infections Effectively
You can find many medications ranging from over the counter, herbal to natural for treating yeast infections.The effectiveness of each treatment very much depends on your symptoms, the severity of the infections and the past treatment if you had one.
yeast infections, vaginal yeast infection, candida
Candida is a type of fungus which lives in our body. Yeast infection happens when Candida grow too much in the body system. The good bacteria in your body keeps the yeast from overgrowth. However, when you consume medication such as antibiotics, it kills the good bacteria thereby allowing the yeast to grow out of control. Yeast infection affects mostly women in the age group of between 16 and 35.
Some of the symptoms to help identify this infection are: 1.burning feeling when urinating 2.feel itchy and irritating around vaginal area 3.white cheesy discharge from vagina
Anything that changes the acidity in the vaginal area and kills the good bacteria can encourage the yeast to grow at a faster rate. Some of the causes are lack of sleep, steroid hormone medication, high intake of sugary and starchy foods, antibiotics, stress, immune-damaging illnesses such as diabetes, oral contraceptives (birth control pills), weakened immune system, steroid drugs, and estrogen replacement therapy.
The most common infection is at the vaginal area. You can get rid of these infections by using anti-fungal medicines which are easily available at the pharmacy. If you see your doctor, he may prescribe over the counter (OTC) medicines such as Femstat 3, Monistat 7, Vagistat, Gyne-Lotrimin, and Diflucan. Sometimes the infection doesn't respond to these medications. There are other alternatives you can consider.
Boric acid capsules is the best natural treatment. Boric acid cures up to 98% of women infected with vaginal yeast infections. You can make your own boric acid suppositories by filling size 00 gelatin capsules with boric acid powder (approximately 600 mg). Standard yeast infection treatment is one capsule. You insert it into the vagina at bedtime for two weeks. Boric acid acidifies the vagina, which restores the natural balance of bacteria and yeast. After thirty days, symptoms may return in some women. For this recurring or chronic infection, you use boric acid as maintenance treatment twice a week for six months to one year.
During your menstrual cycle, your pH changes and this leads to yeast infection. You can use KY jelly lubricant because it helps restore the pH balance. The infection may go away within 24 hours depending on the severity of your infections.
Oregano oil is very potent against yeast, especially those containing high content of carvacrol, an active ingredient. Just follow the directions on the bottle. This is to be taken internally.
Yogurt with active cultures such as acidophilus can be used as a treatment for Candida infections. Insert unpasteurized, plain yogurt with a small spatula or vaginal cream applicator into your vagina at night and wear a pad. Repeat this process for three to seven nights, until the symptoms are gone.
You can even have a yogurt every day. By eating a cup of yogurt a day can help to keep the yeast in your body in balance. Make sure when you buy yogurt, it contains healthy active bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus.
After successful yeast treatment, you can take certain precautions to keep the infections under control such as:
1.Avoid douching with water as this causes an imbalance of the pH in the vagina 2.Avoid bubble baths. 3.Stop wearing thongs and g-strings that are to tight and leaves no room to breath. Wear cotton only. 4.Avoid clothing that fits tightly at the crotch. 5.Avoid scented hygiene products, harsh cleansers, perfumed soaps, deodorant tampons/sanitary pads and feminine deodorant sprays, . 6.Wipe your vagina from front to back after every use of the toilet. This prevents bacteria from rectum reaching your vagina. 7.Don't stay in your wet swimsuit after swimming. Change as soon as possible. 8.Stop taking antibiotics. If you have to, then take some probiotics such as acidophilus. 9.Cut down on food which are rich with yeast such as breads, sourdough, bagels, cakes and beer.
Whether you've never been treated for a yeast infection before or have repeated infections, you should consult a doctor first. There is no instant remedy for yeast infection. Most the treatment normally takes three to seven days. Sometimes up to four weeks. This is because the treatment you choose depends on many factors such as your symptoms and your previous treatments.
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How To Get Massive Traffic To Your Blog: Tag! You're It!
How To Get Massive Traffic To Your Blog: Tag! You're It!
One of the biggest questions I get from authors is: "I have a blog but how do I get people to it?" Well first off, you want to keep blogging, but there are other things you can do too and we'll discuss two of the most powerful ones here.
If you've spent any kind of time online you've probably heard the terms: tag or social bookmarking. But what *exactly* do these terms mean?
Well if you think of the term "tagging" like you would a name tag at a party or networking event...
blogs, tagging, social networking, Internet, bookmarks, keywords
One of the biggest questions I get from authors is: "I have a blog but how do I get people to it?" Well first off, you want to keep blogging, but there are other things you can do too and we'll discuss two of the most powerful ones here.
If you've spent any kind of time online you've probably heard the terms: tag or social bookmarking. But what *exactly* do these terms mean?
Well if you think of the term "tagging" like you would a name tag at a party or networking event it will start to make much more sense. Generally when you post a blog, it's recommended that you "tag" it with various terms appropriate to the message of the blog. The Wikipedia definition of "tag" is: A tag is a keyword which acts like a subject or category. This keyword is used to organize webpages, subjects, and objects on the Internet.
When you think of it this way, what you're really doing is organizing each of your blog posts so that folks can find and search them. By tagging each of them with specific keywords you'll come up faster when someone searches those keywords than if you left your blog blank. Make sense? Ok, then let's get started learning how to tag. (I promise, it's very easy)
When creating tags, there are two types that you can create. You can imbed your blog with tags using services like Technorati (more on that in a minute) or you can go to social networking sites and tag your blog as well. Honestly, I recommend a combination of both.
Social bookmarking is a way of "bookmarking" favorite sites (i.e. yours) so you can easily share them (via tags) with the Internet community and especially folks who are searching on your search term. I'll explain how to get your site bookmarked but for now take a look at sites like digg and delicious – these are the top two social bookmarking sites you'll want to use. There are others but we'll discuss these in a minute.
Ok, here we go!
Simple steps to tagging:
1) Create a blog post: just write your blog, don't worry about doing anything different.
2) Identify some keywords you'll want to use: just pick some keywords, as many as you want. Don't worry about getting too scientific with this, just be thorough.
3) Create your tags: head on over to and generate tags (this will be choice #1). Once you input the keywords make sure the default button is checked at Technorati. Then go to the bottom and click "generate code" – this code will get posted right into your blog. It's that easy! (tip: always post this code at the end of your blog) When you're done you'll see code in your blog.
4) Social bookmarking: simply put, you want to tag each of your blog posts in one or all of the following social networking sites. The one slightly time consuming piece is that you'll need to set up accounts for each of these but once you do, it will take you a minute or so per post to add a social bookmarking tag to each of them. Here are some of the most popular social bookmarking sites you'll want to use: Digg, delicious, yahoo(this is still in beta but I recommend using it anyway), blinklist, spurl, reddit, furl, and stumbleupon.
5) Nuts and bolts: each of these sites has a different set of criteria for bookmarking your blog post. If you're blogging everyday this might seem pretty tedious. If it's too much work to tag and bookmark each of your posts, handpick a few each week and focus on those. The idea is that you want to get these keywords out in cyberspace so folks can find you.
Ready for a final tip? If you want to impress customers with your endless list of resources why not share your delicious page with your readers/customers? Delicious gives each registered member their own page with all of their bookmarks. Ideally you'll want to include other resources besides your own blog but a link to this page could be a fantastic way to gain additional exposure not just for your blog, but to your wealth of resources as well. (here's my page: ).
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How To Find Products For Affiliate Marketing
How To Find Products For Affiliate Marketing
So you are wanting to find products for affiliate marketing that will get your wallet full? That is what most people are wanting to do the tough thing is knowing what to sell. There are things that may get you excited about selling or you think are just great products for some niche that you are targeting but it may not do much for you. While it is important to focus on a product that you have an interest in so you can establish some credibility easily, there are some other things that you have to pay attention to. You want to find hot products for affiliate marketing? Look around.
If you want to know what to sell, look for the things that are selling good already. It may take a bit of research to find out what things will be good to offer as products for affiliate marketing.
First, you need to be able to identify and understand the need as well as understand how best to satisfy it. The customers you are wanting to offer products for affiliate marketing to have certain expectations and needs they would like to have met. It is your job to find these out and make it available.
The needs that the consumer has is the bare minimum that they must have in the product or service. It is the cake. The icing on the cake would be the expectations that they have. It is the extras. A need would be a car. An expectation is that it would have good gas mileage. A need would be to lose weight. Being happy while doing it would be an expectation. For many, finding a program that will help them stop smoking would be a need but the expectation would be the price. The need has to be addressed fully and the expectation should be met if at all possible. That could make the difference between getting and losing a sale.
Another thing that you have to consider when looking for products for affiliate marketing is the level of competition that your particular product has in the marketplace. Look at the overall market and see if you have a legit chance of being competitive. See how your product competes with others in the niche.
When looking for good products for affiliate marketing you need to gauge the level of interest in that niche. Is it a big market? Is it a buying market? How much are they willing to spend and does your product or service fit in that range?
Also, look at the level of success that others are having selling that product/service. When you are trying to find a good product for affiliate marketing, you want to sell something that people are actually having some success with. If the level of sales are high and/or climbing, then you may have something worth putting your energies into. If sales are stagnating or tapering off, it would be worth it to look elsewhere as demand may be dropping for some reason or the marketplace has reached the peak of interest that they will have in it.
Just because you have a product that seems like it will sell incredibly well doesn't mean that it will. When wanting to break into a niche, make sure that you do good research on products for affiliate marketing so you will have success.
Recommended Best Affiliate Marketing Guide From Here
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How To Generate Traffic Through Article Marketing
Writing articles for article marketing is a good way to get traffic to your website. Articles provide information to your audience and allow you to show your expertise. By posting your articles in article directories, you can generate traffic to your site and also help create back links to it. The main keys to article marketing are to write a high quality content article, create a good authors resource box to highlight you and your site and to submit it to several article directories for maximum publicity.
A good targeted article will get read with many page views. So write an article that will be read by many. Here are 5 important factors to consider when writing an article:
1) Writing on what you know is a pre-requisite to good quality content. If you don't know enough about a particular topic, please do more research.
2) If you want people to read your article, make sure that it is interesting. Best is to write about something your target audience wants to know to guarantee article viewership. If there is a question that you are often asked or something that is often misunderstood in your field, then that makes a great topic. Solve a problem your target audience has through your article.
3) Be specific and informative. Provide easy to follow pointers. Presentation styles to achieve this is with a "Top 7 or Top 10 tips" or a "How to" article with bulleted steps.
4) Make your article keyword rich. This does not mean you load it with keywords, but rather that you try to use keywords naturally throughout the article. Most search engines now avoid listing pages with unnatural keyword use, but they still reward good keyword usage. So it is important that you define some keywords and make sure they are used regularly throughout your article. Keywords are important as they will be exactly how your target audience is going to search and find your article.
5) Don't put readers off with bad English, grammer or spelling. This may sound basic, but there are many articles that do not even fulfill this requirement. Once you have written your article, focus on the author's resource box. This is the area at the bottom where you tell about you and you advertise your site. Use short sentences that grab attention. Do not sell here – your site will do the sales pitch. The author's resource box is meant to entice your readers for the click through to your site.
Lastly, you need to give your article high visibility by publishing your article on your site and also, submitting it to various article directory sites. For article marketing to produce good results, try to focus on newsletters or directory sites that will reach your target audience. Look into the content before submitting. As article submission to directories can be time consuming, it is best to either use a software to help automate or to use article submission services for this process. Compared to manual submissions, these will ensure that your articles get posted on hundreds to thousands of sites automatically, with the least amount of time wasted.
In no time, after posting a highly targeted content article, you will find that there are many sites linking back to your site or article page. Through article marketing, you have not only generated traffic to your site via the resource box, but created links back to your site for higher ranking on the search engines.
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How to find a Website Designer
How to find a Website Designer
This week, we are going to start our search for a webmaster, aka "web designer." Unless you are an accomplished programmer, you are going to have to spend some money at this point.
web design,web designer,home based business,homebiz
This is the fourth of eight articles about website design. Our discussion will deal with some of the issues which need to be considered when developing a new online presence. You may have already thought of some of these, but perhaps there are probably things which you haven't even considered. In the last article, we discussed domain name registration.
This week, we are going to start our search for a webmaster, aka "web designer." Unless you are an accomplished programmer, you are going to have to spend some money at this point.
For example, is the server you are thinking about Linux/Apache or Windows based? Will it support dynamic pages, or only static, and if they do support dynamic will they support both PHP as well as ASP? Or do they stick to one flavor of dynamic. If these terms mean nothing to you, you are going to need the services of a webmaster, and now is the time to bring one on board, either as a contractor, or as an employee.
Web designers tend to specialize, so don't feel like you need to get someone who is versed in every aspect of website design.
If you just want a basic HTML site then just about anyone with web design experience should be able to help, but please don't call cousin Sam who just took an intro course and the community college. You want someone who knows something about business as well as websites, for you are building a business website. If you are not going to take orders online, then a static site, primarily for image purposes, is a good way to start.
But if you need a dynamic database driven site, you will need someone who understands PHP and MySQL. One who does ASP and Microsoft SQL may not be able to help, or perhaps they can.
There are many choices you can make here, but if cost is a major factor, stick with PHP, MySQL and some form of Linux. You may not know what they are, but when I say that they are free to use, it may give you good reason to think that way. And, believe it or not, there are A LOT of folks supporting these products for the good of the world, without pay. In my opinion, MySQL rivals any database system in the world for almost any use, and it is totally free for you to use. This is one time, my friend, that you get a lot more than you pay for!
The Yellow Pages are a good place to look for a designer. The size of the ad may give you an idea of experience and cost. A shop with many programmers is going to be more expensive, but may save money in the long run. In any case, get several estimates.
A web designer should be able to build a mock ups, or rough demo, for you early on to give you an idea of what the site may look like. They can put together some basic pages, add images and some generic text to give you a feel for the site. Do not expect to see a final site before you fork over some cash.
There are generally two ways to pay for a project like this, either a flat fee or by the hour. If you know precisely what you want, then go for a flat fee. If you do that, however, do not expect to make a lot of changes or additions that you expect to be done at no cost. You do not want to make your webmaster unhappy.
For most of us, an hourly based time and materials contract is best. The designer can give you ball-park estimates and tell you what it will cost per hour for anything else. And there will be changes, trust me. Next time, we will talk about hosting your new site.
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How to Eat for A Healthy Pregnancy
How to Eat for A Healthy Pregnancy
You found out you are pregnant. Never has it been more crucial to eat well. Not eating well during your pregnancy can increase your risk of complications. Eating well has never been easier during pregnancy than it is now.
First, remember that once you hit the second trimester, you should be eating about 300 more calories a day. Calories provide you with the extra energy that your body needs to grow your baby. Now these extra calories should not give you the right to chow down on every food in your line of site. After all, it is only 300 calories that your are getting. A glass of milk or one banana equals 100 calories and a slice of whole wheat bread, and ounce of cheese and a half of cup of grapes equal 200 calories. See how much more you are eating than if you decide to eat a donut instead.
Remember that you need at least three servings of protein each day. Protein contains amino acid which is one of the most important building block for your baby's tissue. Protein is very easy to come by and your options are endless. You can drink 3 glasses of milk, and you can have 2 cups of yogurt along with 3 ounces of cheese.
Next, you need at least four servings of calcium every day. Calcium is going to help grow your baby's bones and help protect yours. Milk is the best way to get your fill of calcium, but you can also get your fill of calcium from cheeses, yogurt and even ice cream.
Aim for at least three servings of vitamin C. Your body does not store vitamin C so you need a fresh supply of it every day. You can eat fruit or almost any vegetable to get your vitamin C in. You also want to make sure you get three to four servings of green leafy and yellow vegetables and fruits. Most of these veggies and fruits will also count toward your vitamin C intake, so that is double the benefit.
You should get in one to two servings of all other fruit and vegetables that are not known for their vitamin A and C value, but are still good for you all the same. Apples, banana, and onions are just a few that are in this category. Eat six or more servings of whole grains and legumes. These are filled with vitamins E and B and they help you battle constipation. Try eating brown rice, whole wheat breads and even air popped corn to get your servings of whole grains and legumes in.
Perhaps one of the most important nutrients you and your body need is iron. Your body's demand for iron will never be greater than it is while you are pregnant. You want to make sure you are able to keep up with it. Not enough iron could lead to anemia so you want to make sure you are getting enough iron. If you feel that you are not, talk to your doctor and he might be able to prescribe you a iron supplement.
It is always a good idea to eat well every day. However when you are pregnant it is essential that you eat well every day.
Free Guide To Get Pregnant Naturally Fast
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How To Effectively Market Your Woodworking Products
How To Effectively Market Your Woodworking Products
E-advertisements of woodworking services force the woodworkers to compete to survive in the market.
The question which arises here is how one under such circumstances does, effectively attract customers and start receiving profitable business.
Well, for starters, here are a few suggestions that might help:
1) Showcase your products locally in trade shows organized by different communities. In this way you will be able to get a clear idea of the popularity and prospec...
woodworking, wood working, wood working tools, wood working plans, wood working projects
E-advertisements of woodworking services force the woodworkers to compete to survive in the market.
The question which arises here is how one under such circumstances does, effectively attract customers and start receiving profitable business.
Well, for starters, here are a few suggestions that might help:
1) Showcase your products locally in trade shows organized by different communities. In this way you will be able to get a clear idea of the popularity and prospect of salability of your product. Also, in this way you get a feedback right away so it is profitable for the medium scale businesses. Apart from this a craftsman can make a deal with bigger businesses who can sell his goods and for which he will be charged a small percentage of the sale.
2) Next, forming a network of product marketing through friends and family relatives also helps a lot. They buy the goods initially and informally advertise it for you.
3) Placing ads in the magazines read by your targeted market can work wonders because it is a very popular form of media. You can place an ad in a woodwork magazine. To make it catchy you can hire a photographer to take snaps of your products to be placed in your advertisement.
4) Though people hardly appreciate the time and effort spent on creating woodworks some buyers do have interest in such things. To attract these buyers, at local trade shows, you can set up a live demonstration exhibition.
5) You can also create online woodwork shopping websites for the online transaction of your goods. Basically, creating an online store that features you wonderful woodworking products.
Hiring a broker to sell your woodworks can also help. He can provide you clients, market information and advice you regarding the time and location for you to advertise. That's how you can market your woodwork products.
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How To Design Your Website For Optimal Productivity
How To Design Your Website For Optimal Productivity
Eight simple, yet essential, web design principles can spell the difference between online business success or failure. As you develop, design and market your web site, remember, you're never more than one-click away from visitor abandonment. K.I.S.S. your website and it will reward you abundantly.
web design principles
What works best when promoting your web site.
Eight Simple, Yet Essential, Web Design Principles by: Alan Richardson
As the internet evolves from its infancy into maturity, website development, design and marketing becomes more and more sophisticated - and more and more complex. Content manipulation, various scripting methods, fancy graphics and effects... and on and on... allow us to create some impressive web sites.
A good gauge of this complexity is the a slew of new internet-related acronyms which popup on a consistent basis. Heck, I don't know what half of them mean. But one acronym I do know - and it's not an internet creation - is nevertheless key to the development and design of any successful business website. Perhaps you've heard of it - K.I.S.S. As you probably know, it stands for 'Keep It Simple, Stupid!'. And it's a methodology widely employed by the best web developers, designers and marketers in the business. A philosophy that provides the foundation for all successful revenue-generating web sites.
From the largest, multi-product online business conglomerate to the one-page one-product mini-site, the purpose is the same. Provide visitors, whether internet savvy or first time surfers, with an online experience that's fast, efficient, easy to understand - and dare I say it... yes, enjoyable.
Whether your an entrepreneur building your own web site, or reviewing one built for you by a web development and design expert, it is important your web site, your online business, adheres to these eight simple, yet essential, design principles. Heed them, and online success is sure to follow. Ignore them, at your peril. Here they are.
Each web page must have a purpose - and that purpose must be clearly stated. While a consistent design 'look and feel' is vital across all pages of your web site, each page has a specific function to perform. And that function should be clearly understood by all visitors to your web site. Whether it's to elicit feedback, provide feedback, promote your company, present product information, etc., all play a role in your ultimate goal of growing your business.
Navigation around and through your business web site must be clearly visible and easy to use. See my article on web site navigation for more details.
Avoid distraction and clutter by minimizing usage of fancy flashing and moving objects, which provide more sizzle than steak, and make your essential products or services harder to find.
All business websites should have contact information clearly visible. A 'Contact' page is minimum. It's also advisable to include contact information on every page of your web site. You never know when the urge to turn from prospect to customer will strike your visitor.
Not everyone has broadband. Yes, there are still a fair number of users surfing the internet with slower, less efficient, dial-up access. That may change in the future, but it's a reality today. Ignore this substantial customer base and you're business will surely suffer. To avoid this pitfall, pay careful attention to eliminate internet-clogging elements on your web site. When possible, use text instead of graphics, static graphics instead of animation, several smaller pages instead of one large page. Do this and you can feed quite well on the desertions from your flashier competitors.
For those who are broadband users, who are not negatively effected by all those 'bells and whistles', who may actually enjoy such an impressive display, remember, 'form follows function'. This is especially important on a business web site, where functionality is key. All else is fluff and distraction.
For those of us who may be 'visually challenged, make sure your web site is easy to see. Avoid fancy fonts and use the more legible standard-bearers, such as Times New Roman, Courier New, Arial and Verdana. For standard text, use font sizes of at least 10 pt... 12 pt is better. On many a web site, font sizes of 8 pt or less are used, perhaps in an effort to avoid the need to scroll. Let me tell you... it's much better to scroll than to squint. For when I squint, I usually stroll... right out of the site. It's also a good practice to limit the use of italics as they too are harder to read. Lastly, pay attention to text and background color. Although white text on a black background looks cool at first glance, it can quickly strain the eyes. You don't want to do anything that will cut your visitor's journey through your business web site..
Whenever possible, limit page lengths to no more than two page-downs. It is better for performance (page loading) and visitor attention when pages are short, quick reads. If necessary, breakup your text into multiple pages, with a 'continued' designation at the bottom of each page. There you go. Eight simple, yet essential, web site design principles that can spell the difference between online business success or failure. Always remember, you're never more than one-click away from visitor abandonment. K.I.S.S. your website and it will reward you abundantly.
Alan Richardson is a well-known internet consultant and publisher with - a Web resource firm in North Easton, Massachusetts, offering free advice and information for web-based small businesses and entrpreneurs.
To read other articles by Alan, click here. To signup for the free 'Optimal Web Services for Small Business' ezine, click here
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Internet Marketing - Seven Tips To Make Your Blog More Scannable
Internet Marketing - Seven Tips To Make Your Blog More Scannable
Most bloggers love when their traffic is high and they have a great deal of fans. Getting to that popular point can be a little difficult however. If you want to have a successful blog, you will need to make sure all of the components are there. One of the most important components to have within your blog is scan-ability. This really means that your blog is scannable, or easy to go through quickly while still capturing the main points of your posts. Use these seven tips to m...
internet marketing, search engine positioning, search engine marketing
Most bloggers love when their traffic is high and they have a great deal of fans. Getting to that popular point can be a little difficult however. If you want to have a successful blog, you will need to make sure all of the components are there. One of the most important components to have within your blog is scan-ability. This really means that your blog is scannable, or easy to go through quickly while still capturing the main points of your posts. Use these seven tips to make sure your blog is scannable and you will see an increase in traffic to your site.
Keep It Short
The number one mistake bloggers make when posting is creating extremely long posts. You should always be honest about your views and post accurate information. However, you should also be concise with your posts. Web surfers don't have the time or the desire to sit around for hours reading your blog. They are looking for a quick satisfying post to quickly fill them up. They want something that is full on content, but not lengthy. If you tend to be wordy with your posts, try cutting them down a bit to see if your traffic increases.
Create Interesting Headlines
The way you set up your posts has a lot to do with them being scannable. Your posts should always have an interesting headline. It should be catchy and attention grabbing with its wording. It should also be done using different style elements such as bold print, colored print, and italics. The more attention you can get to the headline, the easier it will be for a reader to go through your posts and read the ones that interest them most. When you make it easy for the readers, they will read more.
Break Up Your Posts
Breaking up your posts is not only about headlines, it is also about endings. Create a signature way of signing off on a post. You can "sign" your name or your can always end with an interesting quote. You can also choose to end with a question to try to get readers involved. No matter what your signature ending is, it will be easier for people to shift their focus from one post to the next when they see it. It will become familiar to regular readers and will be a comforting sign that you have nothing else to say on that topic at that time.
Cut Out the Big Words
You should never feel the need to use enormous words that very few people understand or can even pronounce. The best thing you can do is keep the grammar very simple on your blog. By doing so, you are making your blog easier to scan and to read. Most people will only look through the blog for phrases and headings, so these big words can really be distracting. With less than 20% of blog readers going over word for word, you should not waste your time trying to impress. Instead, write in the manner that you would talk to a friend. Making it casual is a great way to gain a lot of interest.
Don't Use It as Story Site
When someone uses their blog as a place to post lengthy stories about life, they are making a mistake. Blogs are indeed personal journals and if you want to do that, you are entitled. However, if you want your blog to be popular, you should not post stories. Instead, to make your blog more scannable, you should post lists. Lists are very effective ways to make your blog scannable and readers will love you for it.
Graphics Work
Graphics were once things that bloggers thought got in the way of their content. Today however the opposite is true. When done appropriately, graphics can really add to your content and make your readers more interested. You can make your site scannable by adding a few graphics to your blog. Try adding graphics that go along with your posts for an efficient approach.
Be Clear
When you have something to say on your blog, just go ahead and say it. Some bloggers tend to let their opinions or main points drift in and out of their posts subtly. The most effective way to get your point across in a blog is to come out with blazing guns. You should keep your main point close to the beginning. This is a great way to know readers understand what you want to say.
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How To Design A Website From Scratch
How To Design A Website From Scratch
How to design a Website!
So you know what your website is going to be about - how do you set out to design it?
You need to think of two things. What content are you going to have on your site, and secondly, what is your site going to look like? And what will the layout of the pages look like, the colours etc.
The first thing to think about is the possibilities that a website gives you. Even if your website is going to be an online store, do not think abou...
How to design a Website!
So you know what your website is going to be about - how do you set out to design it?
You need to think of two things. What content are you going to have on your site, and secondly, what is your site going to look like? And what will the layout of the pages look like, the colours etc.
The first thing to think about is the possibilities that a website gives you. Even if your website is going to be an online store, do not think about the site as a catelogue. The benefits of the web is that your website does not have to follow a linear format - it is not restrictive like a book. The format of the web means your visitors will be able to dip into your site at any point, and also be able to jump around to those parts which are the more interest to them.
Don't, therefore, set your site out like chapters in a book, where later chapters rely on information which has been picked up in earlier ones. Instead your pages should all be able to stand as items of interest in their own right, and have links through to other relevant information your visitors might need!
No one needs to start with a blank sheet of paper - there are millions of web sites already out there. The first thing you can do is research. Look at what other people have done - no, you are not going to copy their ideas, but you are trying to see what appeals to you, what you think works well, and what turns you off completely!
So you've looked around, had a few ideas. How will you know that your ideas are going to work? How can you waste hours of abortive effort?
What you want in three clicks.
Want to know the golden rule? You should make sure your site visitor can find what they want in a maximum of three clicks! You should remember the three click rule when deciding how to set out your pages.
A common suggestion is to use a story board approach but the problem with a story board is it makes you think in a linear way - and as we discussed above, with a website you've got the ability to go backwards and sidewards as well as forwards!
One method of thinking about designing a new website is to use a mind mapping process, or to draw up a spider diagram.
You start with just your main subject in the centre - this will be your home page.
First layer
Next think of the main topics which people may expect to find in a site such as yours - on a retail site for example, the first layers may well include the catelogue as a general heading. On a site about dogs the first layer may be 'breeds'.
Second layer
You are now able to go further into each of your subjects. A catelogue for clothes may be divided here into Men's clothing, Children's clothing etc., and the dog breeds may now be listed as Gun Dogs, Toy Breeds etc.
Third layer
Not all of your first layer menu items may lead to a third layer, but some will. To continue our examples above, Chidren's clothing may now be divided into boys and girls. The Gun Dogs will be divided into the Retrievers, Spaniels etc.
By playing around with your ideas on paper in this fashion you can see where your topics fit best. It may be that some third level pages fit under two second layer pages - no problem, you can link a page to each, and have it appearing on more than one menu. It is what makes sense to the visitor that counts!
Having your site set out in a diagram also makes it easier to see how to link up your pages using hyperlinks, i.e., but clicking on a word on your site, the visitor gets taken to a different page without having to go back through the menus.
Colour scheme, templates etc.
Once you have the plan of what you are going to put onto your site you can start to think about individual page layout and colour schemes.
Again, look at other people's sites, especially those you like. What looks good about them? Sites which have a uniform layout on each page often look far more professional than those which experiment with different colours on every page and different templates. This isn't to say that every page must be the same, but have some consistency, for example, where you place the menu buttons, so that people know they are still on your site. If the navigation menu buttons are always in the same place people will quickly become familiar with the feel of your site, and be able to move round it a lot quicker, and therefore take in a lot more of the information which you want to provide them with.
Making your site look professional is important unless you are just putting up a few pages to share with family! Let's assume the reason you wish to make a website is to earn some extra money at home, or to advertise your business or promote an activity. Apart from colour and consistency here are a couple of other tips. Firstly, look at the size of font you use - don't mix it up too much, or use too many different colours. Make your the type face you use can be seen clearly on the background colour. Secondly, is it easy to get to the information
The most important person!
Finally, don't forget that YOU have got to like your site. You will be having a very close relationship with it and it will be very demanding on your time, espeically in the early days. Take advice from friends or colleagues, but at the end of the day, go with what you are happy with. If you are uncomfortable with your site you will not have the same enthusiasm to work with it.
Your first pages
Now you have the schema for your website, you have chosen your colours and background, you can start to put together your first pages.
Here are a few tips:
1. Get a few pages together and get your site up there and published! It will take anything from a few weeks to 7 or 8 months to be indexed by the search engines. The main search engines such as Google like to give comprehensive listings only to mature sites. The sooner you get your site published the sooner you will get good rankings in the search engines.
2. Do not use the words 'under construction'.
3. Get other people's opinion on your site - good comments will give you confidence. If your hosting company has a forum you may be able to showcase your new website there to get advice from others using the same software.
A website doesn't just emerge – it takes a lot of work and an awful lot of planning. But if you make the investment of time you won't lose out. If you don't have a website no one is able to tap into your knowledge or see your creations. If you build your website badly your visitors may not be able to find their way around, and a lot of what you do will be wasted. If you take that bit of extra effort and care you will have a site that is very easy to use, and which will become popular because of that!
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Internet Business Marketing Through Website Design
Internet Business Marketing Through Website Design
Internet marketing doesn't just involve advertising.Internet marketing also involves making sure a website is properly set up and designed so search engines can locate that website and sequence it in search engine listings.
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Internet marketing doesn't just involve advertising.Internet marketing also involves making sure a website is properly set up and designed so search engines can locate that website and sequence it in search engine listings. If an internet business website can't be located online that business will likely fail. Marketing a business website by designing it with specific keywords in mind will help that business website become a marketing success. If you're an internet business owner who designed your business website using HTML programming, otherwise known as hypertext markup language, you may be aware of the importance of meta tags. Meta tags contain keywords and phrases hidden within the coding of websites that contain them. No one viewing a website can see the meta tags, but search engine spiders and meta tag crawlers can read them. Meta tags help search engine technology appropriately place websites on search engine listings. Without well written and properly placed meta tags, an internet business website may never be found online.
There are free search engine tools and meta tag generators for website designers and internet business owners wanting to save money while marketing their website. Free meta tag generators create meta tag codes based on keywords and phrases entered. The meta tags can then be copied and pasted into the HTML coding of the website.
In order for meta tags to be efficient in helping search engine spiders and meta tag crawlers identify a website in search engine listings, a website must contain keywords and phrases. Enough of these keywords and phrases must be contained within website text in order for the website to be sequenced and found online. This is known as keyword density. Five percent keyword density is a good percentage to try and attain. A higher percentage of keywords contained within website text usually result in text that doesn't read well. Marketing a website should begin with marketing a site that makes sense. Don't forego quality of content in exchange for high keyword density.If the content is too redundant and isn't valuable, potential customers will go elsewhere.
There are free keyword density tools that enable website designers and owners to check the keyword density of their websites. Many keyword density tools work by copying and pasting website text directly into a text box and typing the desired keyword in another box. One click of the mouse and the keyword density will be accurately calculated. This free service allows website owners and designers to add the appropriate percentage of keywords to bring density up to the desired number. After a business website has been properly equipped with meta tags and keywords,website designers and owners can use one of the many free search engine submission services. Free search engine submission services enable people to easily submit their websites to the major search engines. Most free search engine submission services ask those using their service to place a link back to the search engine submission service. This is a nominal request for using this valuable free service.
Marketing an internet business through proper website design is the first step in marketing an online business. Without proper design including meta tags and keyword dense textual content, a business website may end up at the end of search engine listings - if it is even listed at all. Before proceeding with the usual internet marketing methods and techniques, check the internal design of your business website. Good internet marketing begins with good website design.
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Internet & Affiliate Marketing: Celebrate The Small Victories
Most internet marketing ventures start as one-man operations. When mistakes are made, you know who to blame. But don't just beat yourself up, remember that when progress is made, that was all you too. Celebrate the small victories.
When you are just starting in internet marketing, keeping a positive mindset can be a crucial ingredient of long term survival. On or off the web, most new businesses do not become profitable immediately. Sales can be mediocre as your marketing campaign gets going, and if you didn't plan ahead for this fallow period you may begrudge the out-of-pocket expenses that arise. It is easy to get discouraged.
Worse, many marketers lack basic support and encouragement. In a normal workplace there are other employees to share the load and help solve problems. Not so for most start-ups, and your personal support network may lack enthusiasm. Your friends may think you're a sucker involved with some newfangled scam. Your family may worry that your seemingly unprofitable internet career is interfering with your day job.
You must remember that you are your own manager, and good managers care about their employees' morale and motivation. Notice and enjoy the small milestones in your business as they pass by, whether it is finally getting your web design just right or suddenly nailing the top search position on a good keyword. Reward yourself with a day off or a good meal. Tell your friends about it even if their eyes glaze over; you listen to their stories about their dull jobs, right?
Verbalizing your success is for your own benefit, and it can help you assess your accomplishments and know when you've made real progress along your business plan. Don't commit the common mistake of neglecting the hardest working, most under-appreciated person in your employ - yourself.
Recommended Best Affiliate Marketing Guide From Here
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Internet Marketing: 10 Deadly Sins of a Poorly Designed Website
Internet Marketing: 10 Deadly Sins of a Poorly Designed Website
Face it. There are tons of websites out there but very few that actually pull their weight and get results. That being said, here is a list of website design sins for your edification.
Internet Marketing, Websites
Face it. There are tons of websites out there but very few that actually pull their weight and get results. Effective website design is not easy. If it was, every business that put up a website would realize enormous success. It takes many different skill sets to pull together a killer website.
That being said, here is a list of website design sins for your edification. Consider these deeply and I highly recommend you make sure your website doesn't commit them.
Website Sin # 1 – Website does not have a crystal clear objective. Why do you have or want to have a website in the first place? What do you want it to do for your business?
Website Sin #2 – No clear call to action. This sin dovetails on the previous one. Once you are clear on your website's objective, make it real clear to your visitor what action you want them to take. Clearly spell it out. Trust me, leave no room for interpretation.
Website Sin #3 – Website does not have a means to capture visitor's contact information. You are missing a tremendous opportunity to gather prospects who are clearly interested in what you have to offer – hence qualified prospects to market to going forward. Do whatever it takes here. Offer what we call an "ethical bribe" in exchange for their contact information.
Website Sin #4 – Website doesn't give visitors a reason to come back. Unless your website is a one-time sales website, you must keep it chock full of new and great content to keep it producing for you.
Website Sin #5 – Website has no substance, all style. Dovetailing on the previous sin, focus should be more on adding valuable content as opposed to having flashy animations. Flashy animations may wow your visitors once (if you're lucky), but great content starts building a relationship or dare I say a dependency on you. Bottom line you're adding value to your prospects.
Website Sin #6 - Website has an "it's all about me" mentality. Keep the copy conversational in tone and focus clearly on what's in it for your visitor. Make them feel that it's all about them – make them feel special.
Website Sin #7 - Website is inconsistent with your "Brand". Your website does not have to be the best looking site out there. It is far more critical to be consistent (same overall look, feel and design as your other marketing materials).
These next three sins are absolutely inexcusable and should not require much explanation. Nothing will frustrate your visitor more and detract from your credibility faster.
Website Sin #8 – Poor or inconsistent navigation. Don't make people think. Make it real easy for visitors to find what they are looking for.
Website Sin #9 – Dead links. This is a credibility killer. Always do what you say you're going to do. It is amazing what people can read into a dead link – the worst being that you simply don't care enough about you visitor.
Website Sin #10 – Slow website. I know, it's hard to believe but not everyone is using high speed broadband Internet connections yet. A little compassion here goes a long way.
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Earn 5-Figure Income every Month through Internet Affiliate Marketing Program
Earn 5-Figure Income every Month through Internet Affiliate Marketing Program
When you go surfing the Internet, you probably have noticed that every website that you visit contains several advertisements and some external links directing to other sites. You will also notice that these advertisements are just attractive enough (for instance, an online advertisement containing heads of Osama bin Laden and George Bush in a girl's body and asking you to choose who is sexier between them) to convince you to click these advertisements and links and see what is beyond that attractive ad and link.
Once you have clicked ads and links posted to a site, its owner is already making money out of your generous clicks. They are now among the thousands of individuals who are called the great affiliate marketers.
The name of their game is Internet affiliate marketing program, and they are making tens to hundreds of dollars per month. Moreover, there are affiliate marketers who are making a full-time living out of Internet marketing and they are generating a 5-figure income every month.
Such figure is quite unbelievable, but it is the reality of affiliate program. You have the power of earning thousands of dollars each month even if you do not have your own products to sell. All you have to do is to promote the products or services of other affiliates. You are dictating the flow of money that you want and at the same time freeing yourself of worries about customer's issues, refunds, shipping, and other sales-related aspects. Just attract potential buyers to your website and redirect them to the affiliate link. Once they have purchased the products or services you have endorsed, you will be able to receive commissions from every sale that you have made. You will get paid depending on the percentage agreed upon on the affiliate contract. Basically, the commission that you will receive varies from 10 to 75 percent.
For instance, you are selling a certain product that is worth $67 and the affiliate commission is set at 60 percent. It means that you will get paid $40.20 for every sale that you made from that product. Remember that it is just on a single product alone.
Earning money through affiliate programs is quite simple, considering the fact that you do not have to create the best-selling product, compose the best sales letter to potential buyers, provide after-sales support to customers, handle concerns and problems, and others.
When you sign up for an affiliate program, you will be provided with a special affiliate link with a unique code that will identify if the click on the link actually comes from your affiliate link. You will just copy and paste the code to your web pages, and the promotion will depend on you—whether you will promote it through sending email newsletters, online forums, and on your website.
However, despite of the simplicity in earning through Internet affiliate marketing program, the main concern here is how to be successful in your chosen affiliate program. What you need here is real people—real people who will patronize the affiliate products or services you are endorsing. Once you have failed to draw more people to the assigned affiliate link, your dream of earning a huge 5-figure income in affiliate program will remain to be a dream forever.
To succeed in affiliate programs, you must be aware with the use of affiliate marketing tools. There are several tools you can use and some affiliate companies you are working with will offer some of these tools. You may use attractive webpage banners or online advertisements. These tools will help you achieve success in joining affiliate programs, so do not ever forget them in your priorities.
Remember that your main target here is to drive heavy web traffic towards to your site that will click on the affiliate link provided in your web pages. Promotional tools such as free article directories and writing weblogs are just a few of the latest additions in promoting affiliate sites. Provide initial yet useful information about the products or services you are endorsing for sale, and use the power of words to attract them to visit your affiliate link. In this way, you will be able to attract more potential buyers to your site and possibly give you the commission you are longing for.
Be one of thousands of affiliate marketers who have earned more than what you can expect by maximizing your ability and using effective strategies in your Internet affiliate marketing program.
Recommended Best Affiliate Marketing Guide From Here
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Internet Marketing - How To Turn Blogging Into A Successful Career
Many people blog. In fact, there are more bloggers out there now than ever before. What seems to fascinate many about blogging is that it can actually become a career, believe it or not. However, just sitting down at your computer and typing is not going to make you rich. So how do you make a living blogging? There are a number of things you can do that will help. Here, though, are a few tips that will get you started and show you how to turn blogging into a successful career.
First of all, you have to have a blog in order to make money from a blog. There are a number of sites out there that will set you up with a blog for either a fee or a portion of your advertising proceeds. If you are truly serious about making blogging your career, then you need to consider not using these services. If you are going to try to make money in blogging, then it would make sense to share the money with as few people or services as possible. Instead, start your own website and keep the money. You will pay a monthly hosting fee, but if you are serious about blogging you know that this money will be considered a business expense as if you were to rent a storefront for a clothing store or something similar. So your first step in turning blogging into a successful career must include starting a blog and doing so on your own website.
Secondly, you have to figure out how you are going to derive revenue from your blog. There are a number of ways to do just that. The easiest and perhaps most popular way is to use some sort of advertising. Many of the search engines and other services on the web will place ads on your blog site and then pay you for every time someone clicks on one of the ads. Another way to do it is to sell something from your site and use the blog to bring in customers. Or, in a similar strategy, advertise someone else's product on your site and then get some sort of commission from that person. No matter which strategy you use, or even if it is another strategy you come up with on your own, you need to find a source of revenue if you are going to make blogging into a successful career.
Third, once you have a way to make money off the blog, you need to get people to the blog. The key to most anything that happens on the internet is to drive traffic to your site. No matter what, whether you are using an ad service or selling a product, internet money is a game of percentages. You want to draw as many people as possible to your website. The larger the overall number of hits your site gets is the lower percentage of those clicks that have to be profitable you need. So how do you draw traffic? They key is, to turn a phrase, keywords. You need content on your site that is going to bring traffic from search engines to you as much as possible. There are a number of ways to do this: through software programs designed to find the best keywords, websites that perform a similar service, or just coming up with them on your own and crossing your fingers. No matter how you choose to do it, though, just bare in mind that you cannot turn blogging into a successful career without getting people to your website.
Blogging can certainly be fun, but what if you want to turn that fun into a profit? There are hundreds of people out there who have turned blogging into a successful career. It is a great way to make money from home doing what you want, when you want. However, there are some things you need to consider before diving into a blogging career. First of all, you have to get yourself a blog, obviously. Next, decide how you are going to generate revenue from that blog. Then, finally, work hard to drive traffic to your website. Remember, the internet is a game of numbers and percentages so promote and update your blog as often as possible.
Blog Marketing Mass Income From Blogging
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How To Design A Website If You're A Novice On The Internet
How To Design A Website If You're A Novice On The Internet
Internet novices are confused about how to build a website and here are the four methods.
how to design a website, website design builder, online website design builder
Most of my students are Internet novices and ask many apprehensive questions about how to design a website. They worry about their ability to design an attractive site and are anxiously seeking the quickest and best alternative.
After years on the Net, I believe you need to learn how to design your sites yourself, and here's why ...
The Internet is made up of two elements:
1. Text 2. Pictures
Yes, audio and video technologies are growing fast. But if you hope to sell on the Net, it's critical to appeal to your audience, those folks who are willing to pull out their credit cards and buy your products. A huge percentage of these are still on dialup and certainly aren't very sophisticated and fancy techniques will isolate you from many of them.
So what are your choices if you want to build a website?
1. Buy a template:
This can work sometimes. I've bought them myself and they do look great. But there are some real problems with templates:
* They can be expensive - especially if you want multiple websites. Good templates aren't cheap. The few I've bought are in the $60-$70 range.
* If you don't know what you're doing, you can waste your money on templates that won't work for you. For instance, you will often see templates with icons, pictures, company logos, "Buy Now" buttons and more. Yes, they look great. But when you download the images they are not editable because if they are in jpg or gif format, you can't make changes. The most common 'editable' images are in 'psd' format. If you own image editing software, like Photoshop (which usually sells for about $600), you can make the changes you wish. But if you don't own this kind of software then forget it - your images can't be changed.
* Editing templates isn't easy. You might unwittingly purchase a template that allows 8' of space - and your copy needs 10" of space. Now what? Cheaper templates require the purchaser to "slice" them. This is tedious and time consuming and requires editing knowledge that most people don't have. Higher quality templates allow the owner to edit them without slicing, but they are more expensive.
* Even if you can edit your new template, do you really think that you should allow a designer to dictate the placement of your sales copy? Beautiful design does not equal sales. Just because something looks good doesn't mean it's a good sales site. Many novices are impressed with the good looks of a template, but Madison Avenue beauty doesn't equal profits on the Net. Earning money comes from effective direct response marketing which means testing the elements on your sales page and changing them until you have a winner. If your design is forced on you you are limited in the changes you can make.
2. Pay a website designer to build a site for you:
* Hiring a professional can be expensive. I currently have a goal of building two websites each week for a year. Let's assume I pay someone $500 to build a website (which is quite a reasonable amount for a well done site - it often costs much more.) That means I will be paying $1,000/week, every week, for a year. My money is better spent on marketing than design.
* Every time you want to make a change on your site, you must wait on a designer to make the changes. This is expensive and can be time consuming if the designer is busy with multiple clients.
* Just like a purchased template, most web designers are focused on looks and appearance, rather than functionality or sales. All the best marketers acknowledge that plainer sites are more lucrative because the focus is on the copy, the words, rather than fancy graphics or beautiful colors. Take a look at the top money-making sites on the net. They rarely are flashy or dramatically impressive.
* Relying on a web designer creates dependency. Generally the motivation of entrepreneurs is freedom so waiting for another person to make even the smallest changes to your site isn't taking you in the direction you want to go.
3. Buy site-making software:
Every program I have seen involves a learning curve. One popular site builder, for example, has a 500 page manual, is expensive and a lot of the learning doesn't transfer to other site systems. I looked at another one recently with a 300 page manual. The time that you spend learning these methodologies could be spent learning an HTML editor that will make you fully capable of building your own sites, whenever you choose, for almost zero cost.
Spend the time and learn do it yourself websites. I personally spent two weeks in 'Dreamweaver Hell' several years ago. All reviews indicated that Dreamweaver is the best HTML editor, so I bought a book and determined to learn the software on my own. The first book wasn't long enough so I returned it for a second - and longer - book, which eventually was exchanged for an almost-1200 page manual. There were moments of frustration, tears, triumph, cursing and the thrill of success, and I emerged able to put together websites whenever I chose.
Saying "I want to be an Internet marketer" and not learning how to build websites for yourself is like wanting to be a dentist - and refusing to learn about teeth; like being a star athlete - and refusing to practice your sport. So what if your first sites won't win a design award? You'll get better. And you will be independent. Isn't that the entire point of working on the Internet?
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How To Do Research For Your Article Marketing Campaigns
How To Do Research For Your Article Marketing Campaigns
The article marketing as an internet marketing technique has an extraordinary growth the last years. It has been noted that writing articles and submit them to article directories is an essential step for the developing of the web business. Many marketers are puzzled to find useful information and find material for their articles.
A good place to start is the internet. You can start with search engines. You should be careful on the keywords you use. They should be extremel...
article marketing
The article marketing as an internet marketing technique has an extraordinary growth the last years. It has been noted that writing articles and submit them to article directories is an essential step for the developing of the web business. Many marketers are puzzled to find useful information and find material for their articles.
A good place to start is the internet. You can start with search engines. You should be careful on the keywords you use. They should be extremely targeted for the theme you search otherwise you will get irrelevant search results. Google is the Best search engine for that. After searching, you can select the articles, free reports or e-books you have found and start reading them. Choose the material that is worthwhile for your article and band them together. Be careful and do not plagiarize, otherwise you may get in trouble. Many anti-copy software titles exist in the market today which can detect a plagiarized article in seconds.
Another recourse to search is the wikipedia . It has thousands of topics where you can find useful information for free. Just type your keyword in the search box and you will have the relevant results. The recourses you will find might have links to other articles and websites where you can extend your research and acquire more material.
Excellent databases of free and reliable information are the online libraries. Two are the most famous. The first is the project Gutenberg .
The second is Books online . These websites contain thousands free books you can download, read and select material for your articles. The value of these online libraries is inestimable.
Another place to search is the online forums and communities. Thousands of people connect daily, sharing personal experiences and recourses. You could find extremely valuable information in forums and select the appropriate material.
If you can't locate free e-books with the search engines and don't have the time for that you can download 20.000 free e-books about any niche at .
The secret is to select the information you need, rewrite it, combine information from different sources and write an informative article without spending a penny. There are no excuses for writing blocks. Info is unlimited on the internet and above all it is reliable information.
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