Monday, November 12, 2012

Different Types Of Pregnancy Tests


Different Types Of Pregnancy Tests

If you believe yourself to be pregnant and are interested in using a test to determine the results factually, know that the tests sold over the counter that use urine to detect the pregnancy hormone are incredibly effective. Unlike in days gone by when the only reliable way to determine whether you are indeed pregnant was to visit your primary health care provider's office, these home tests allow you to determine whether or not you need to see a provider. Keep in mind that if...

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If you believe yourself to be pregnant and are interested in using a test to determine the results factually, know that the tests sold over the counter that use urine to detect the pregnancy hormone are incredibly effective. Unlike in days gone by when the only reliable way to determine whether you are indeed pregnant was to visit your primary health care provider's office, these home tests allow you to determine whether or not you need to see a provider. Keep in mind that if you test positive for any type of home pregnancy test, you should be sure to immediately schedule an appointment with your primary health care provider. This is essential due to complications like an ectopic tubal pregnancies, where the egg lodges in the Fallopian tube and can cause a great deal of pain and medical issues if left untreated. A test will still determine that you are pregnant, although the pregnancy may not be normal or necessarily healthy.
There are two main types of pregnancy tests, those that use urine and those that use blood. Both tests are designed to detect the hormone known as human chorionic gonadotropin. Commonly known as hCG, this hormone is produced when the placenta begins to develop once the embryo successfully attaches to the uterine lining. Although blood tests tend to have less false readings, the presence of this hCG hormone can easily be found in a urine based test. Generally, doctors will perform a blood test in order to determine whether or not you are pregnant. In addition to testing for the presence of hCG, a doctor may wish to run another panel to determine your overall health and levels of vitamins or nutrients. This will provide your physician with a base line for which to prescribe prenatal vitamins and medications that will ensure both mother and child are kept healthy.
If you purchase a urine based pregnancy test, there are two main options available. The first option sees the woman urinating in a cup and then inserting a special stick into the cup for a given period of time. This test generally has more accurate results since the instructions are more likely to be followed. Usually, if you visit a clinic and they issues you a urine based test, this is the type of test that you will receive. However, the most popular method of pregnancy tests available over the counter are those that require the woman to hold a special stick in a stream of urine for a certain amount of time. These tests tend to be the most popular since there is less mess and clean up required in this method. There are even versions of this test that can detect the hCG pregnancy hormone almost immediately after the embryo has implanted in the uterine wall.
For those individuals who are far too anxious to receive the news than the necessary waiting period required for even the earliest versions of the urine tests, a blood test should be used. Blood tests can be administered up to seven days after a possible conception, so they are a favorite among couples that are experiencing infertility problems. Furthermore, a blood test can more accurately measure the level of hCG found in a woman's body so that potential problems or complications with the pregnancy can be immediately identified. However, keep in mind that you must visit a doctor's office in order to have a blood test to determine whether or not you are pregnant. This will often cause you to incur costs associated with the visit and the testing fees. If money is a concern, many women's clinics provide pregnancy testing for a minimal cost.

Free Guide To Get Pregnant Naturally Fast



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