"I can't seem to shift those last few pounds, what are the foods to avoid to reduce stomach fat?"
This is a common question I get asked from folks who are looking to reduce stomach fat but are not sure how they should approach their diet, and what foods to avoid.
If this rings true with you, then you'll realize that you're not alone. It's not surprising really, since there is so much junk info out there about the latest celebrity fad diets, and diet pills, that very little mention is made about simple things you can do and foods to avoid to reduce stomach fat. Diets like the Atkins Diet, low-carb, etc etc, are also to blame as they've served to confuse people further about what they should and should not be eating, and the foods to avoid to reduce stomach fat.
While there are a number of foods to avoid to reduce stomach fat, here I'll show you the top 3 that you should look to control in terms of your intake, as these will be the biggest stumbling blocks when trying to reduce stomach fat.
Foods to avoid no 1 – Chocolate
Who doesn't like chocolate right? Well, if you're serious about losing fat, then chocolate is definitely one of the foods to avoid to reduce stomach fat.
The thing about chocolate is that it is often consumed as a treat or snack, so giving it up, is not as hard as it may seem. Make sure you are eating healthy meals consistently throughout the day and you should avoid the need to snack.
Chocolate gives a sugar rush which is pleasant at the start, but often drops you lower than before you ate it. So avoiding it will not only help you reduce stomach fat, but will help to keep your mood level throughout the day.
I suggest you avoid chocolate to reduce stomach fat, in particular the milk, white, and creamy varieties. Dark chocolate contains far less sugar and fat than most big brand chocolates.
Foods to avoid no 2 – Butter If you're like me then you like nothing better than the taste of pure fresh butter on piping hot crusty bread…mmmmmm….
Butter is a major food to avoid to reduce stomach fat. It's not hard to see really, butter is around 95% pure saturated fat, which is difficult for your body to process, and very easily and quickly stored as excess fat, typically around your stomach area.
One tablespoon of butter (14 grams) contains 100 calories, 11 grams of fat (of which 7 grams are saturated fats). Butter is also terrible for your cholesterol levels.
There are many low-fat alternatives out there – low-fat spreads and the like, that you shouldn't need to use butter most of the time anyway.
Avoid using mayonnaise in your sandwiches as a substitute for butter, as this also has an extremely high fat content.
Also, avoid using vegetable margarine as they contain high amounts of trans-fats which also wreak havoc on your cholesterol…more so than butter.
Foods to avoid no 3 – Alcohol
While not often seen as a "food", I've included it here as its impact is often little understood for folks who are trying to reduce stomach fat. I've seen people make changes to their lifestyle, diet and exercise patterns but fail to see how their continued alcohol intake undoes all their hard work.
Why is alcohol so bad for weight loss?
Well, there are 3 main reasons why alcohol is so bad. Firstly, alcohol is the second most calorie-dense "food", second only to fat. However, these calories are empty calories. This means that the calories hold virtually no energy benefit to you and your body, unlike fat itself, and thus are simply stored away by your body as fat.
Secondly, alcohol is regarded by the body as a toxin, and therefore becomes priority number one and is sent off to the liver to be processed. While this is happening, your liver is not able to do its normal job of processing and metabolizing your body fat, which means you find it more difficult to reduce stomach fat.
Thirdly, alcohol can also makes us incredibly hungry, and so we begin to crave particularly fatty, and unhealthy foods. It's no coincidence that after a night out, folks will often happily tuck into a hamburger, kebab, or fried eggs and bacon, even though they might normally avoid such foods. Remember that at this point your body is still trying to get rid of the alcohol from your system, and now you're piling on extra saturated fats and high-calorie foods, so it's a real double whammy if you're trying to reduce stomach fat.
Now, I'm not saying you should avoid alcohol all together to reduce stomach fat, but you should certainly reduce your intake if you're serious about trying to reduce stomach fat. Wine has more health benefits than beer, and contains less calories so that can be a way to enjoy a drink every now and then but still be able to reduce stomach fat.
FACT: Did you know that 99% of people who start a diet to reduce stomach fat fail?…Can you afford the risk of failing?
Want to know more foods to avoid in your diet plan to reduce stomach fat? Reinventing Aging provides a FREE video to get you started.
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